Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A Christmas Fantasy at "In a Heartbeat"

Once again I am surrounded by paintings and frames, getting ready for the Christmas Fantasy art show at the In a Heartbeat Gallery. In addition to fairy art from "The Illustrated Fairy Gazettes" we will also hang originals from two earlier books, Woodland Christmas and Woodland Nutcracker. The image above is from "Woodland Nutcracker", showing Grandfather and Clara with her handsome Nutcracker Bear. Adventure is only hours away.....

and a royal welcome awaits....
But I'm getting ahead of the story. It begins like this:

"Long ago, far away from highways and city lights, where bright stars touched the tree tops and forest roots touched the edges of frozen lakes, a woodland family welcomed relatives and friends
to a Christmas Eve party in their cosy island home.
Softly falling snowflakes drifted into the cottage as the guests arrived."*

And the rest, as they say, is magic.

*Text copyright Avril Tyrrell, 1999


  1. WHat beauty and wit and imagination is in each of these images. I think that your exhibition will charm the visitors.

    How can you part with these images?

    Best wishes. xo

  2. Wow Frances, I nearly missed this!

    You are an absolute genius, I am in total awe. Your illustrations are pure magic.

  3. What we saw was magic. I can only guess at the rest.

  4. Oh my goodness! Frances, I thought it would be nice to return the visit you paid me, after all, it's only polite and all that.

    It turned out I was in for a rare treat. As I was sitting here, looking at the charming pictures, thinking of Beatrix Potter, I glanced at the signature on the water colors and realized, "Holy cats, she painted those!!!"

    They're lovely, and instantly endearing, absolutely magical!

    What a lovely place your brain must be, to conjure such charming things. I'm in awe of your talent, sincerely.

  5. Thank you Frances - it's a mixed pleasure, to see the art well displayed but to say goodbye to some pieces.
    When will we see some more of your paintings?

    Dear Barry, we do believe in magic!

    Dear L-o-S,thank you for those kind words. I'm going to enjoy dropping by your blog again.

  6. Dear Valerie, I completely admire your own beautiful style, originality and skill, so thank you very much indeed!

  7. You are a woman blessed with many gifts, dear Francis. Your artistic flair is every bit as awesome as your joy for living and your enthusiasm for magic and fairy dust. This is a lovely blog to visit! =D

    Are you related to the family the dinosaur museum is named for in Alberta? It is a wonderful and magical museum and I was just curious.

  8. I have given your blog a little mention on my site. I hope it meets with your approval!
