Friday, December 20, 2013

Twenty First Day of Advent - Winter Solstice

Twenty First day of Advent
Basil and Rosemary's Open House, The Illustrated Fairy Gazette, Winter Edition
"God bless the master of this house,
Likewise the mistress too;"
The Wassail Song


  1. These two silhouettes are quite beautiful seen against a window, with light shining through the wings. Beautifully painted! Just last evening as I walked home from the subway station, I saw a similar view (without wings) through a window of a neighborhood brownstone. There clearly was a party underway, and the figures at the window were backlit by a magnificent chandelier's shimmering light.

    Good to celebrate the Solstice! xo

    1. Thank you Frances, the old song "Two silhouettes on a shade" was on my mind as I put this one together!
