Monday, March 29, 2010

Palm Sunday

"Hosanna, loud hosanna the little children sang;
through pillared court and temple the lovely anthem rang"

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring has sprung (and so has the roof)

Snow drops have bloomed at last and the green spears of scillas and lillies are coming up all over the garden. I took an hour away from sorting papers this evening and raked the garden, well into the twilight, and found early periwinkle blossoms looking like pale stars against the tangled ground cover. Drenching rains a few days ago have revealed a leak in the roof and I could use the services of Wren's Nest Roofing and Thatching (from the fairy realms).

Frances in New York has tagged me to reveal what is in my handbag. Even I wasn't sure what lurked at the bottom of the Big Aubergine.

Zippered side pockets first:
Pocket #1, A little round tin of Rendez Vous Lemon drops, a lipstick, a car wash receipt, and a slip of paper with email addresses (to send art students photos of our still life of the day), and a receipt from the video store (rented Jane Campion's "Bright Star", which was beautiful).
Pocket #2, a scrap of paper with a phone number written as small as the Tailor of Gloucester's "no more twist", a fine liner pen, a notebook and a sample menu from a local restaurant where I recently lunched with author friend Alison Baird.
Pocket #3, spare glasses, cough drops, a pocket-package of kleenex tissues, another fine liner pen (so that's where they have been going), and a church bulletin with "Mothering Sunday" and "Simnel Cake" underscored in fine liner ink.
Pocket #4, keys and cell phone.
Now diving into the main holding area: Wallet, cheque book, address book, 2010 pocket diary, a spiral notebook, an envelope with a nice supply of my printed bookmarks that double as business cards, yet another fine liner pen, a hairbrush, another lipstick, a bill, a hair grip, a 5 page print-out of "Sanctuary Servers Duties" and some post-it notes with relevant scribblings (eg, "candles out at lst verse Recessional", I haven't been a server long enough to have it down pat yet) and, last but not least, a white Crayola crayon that I had been looking for in my art-class bag. Wax crayon is an effective resist for textured whites in watercolour and I will use it in an upcoming class.
And that is everything.
Looking at an article on AccessoryWeb I read that the above is fairly typical, representative of a normal woman, and has at least a couple of points in common with Eleanor Roosevelt!

I have enjoyed this first year of blogging and the friends it has brought, highly creative individuals of generous spirit. I wonder if some of them would like to share the handbag reveal?
Middle of Nowhere
Oasis Writing Link

Well over a whole month ago (sorry for the delay)Land of Shimp was kind enough to tag me for a Kreatif Blog Award, a very nice surprise and one which I will properly acknowledge in the next post.