Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Sixth Day of Advent - Letters to Santa

Day 6 of Advent
(Santa's Helpers, from The Illustrated Fairy Gazette - A Christmas Celebration)
What do you want for Christmas?  Something that would fit in a stocking or a box under the tree, or one of those presents that only the heart knows? 
I remember being read A.A. Milne's "King John's Christmas" as a child (and where else would a youngster learn the marvelous phrase "supercilious stare"?).  We were caught up in sympathy and optimism as King John's list got longer and longer, and  fading hope as it dwindled to only "a bright red India-rubber ball" - which he did get, after all.  A sigh of relief from us children.  Thank you Santa (and A.A.Milne).


  1. I don't think that I have ever before heard of King John's could I have missed this?

    And so today, I thank you not only for the whimsical painting of Santa and his correspondence but also for introducing me to a lovely tale.

