Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Fifth Day of Advent - Between friends

Day 5 of Advent

 In watercolour classes I demonstrate ways of creating  frosty effects in snowy landscapes.  A sprinkling of salt on a wet wash is one method, as in the background pictured above.
The cardinal's bright pop of colour makes him a perfect foil for winter's greys and browns. And the fairy? She just flitted into the picture for a neighbourly chat with the Christmas letter carrier.


  1. Day Five brings us a beautiful and witty view of how Christmas mail might get delivered. Thank you also for the tip on how to add snow flurries to our watercolor painting. xo

  2. Thank you Frances. Two tips for the salt - the wash must be fresh and wet when the salt is added, and then no touching while the salted wash dries, no matter how much you want to tinker with it. "Watching paint dry" has its rewards!
